Sunday, December 2, 2012

Production Tip #1 Being Proactive

If you want a film to be made, YOU have to do the work. YOU have to find the people who will help you with this, YOU have to get the funding, etc. But also if you're hired onto another persons film or set, give it your 100%. Even if your job is just to get a prop from another room, give it your all. Film is the most collaborative art form, and it works with bits and pieces that fit together and move. If one part stops working, it effects a big chunk of the machine that is film making. You must be urgent about your job, meaning, do it quickly and with purpose and do it well. If you slack off, you're probably not going to have a lot more job options later. So why are you still reading this? GO FILM!

-Sirwhovian, Out!


  1. This goes for any kind of work, not just filming. "Do it." I remember a workshop I attended long ago and was told to eliminate the words, "I want to..." or "I hope to..." because they're all in the future. The substitute phrase was "I am ...." All this is common sense, but awfully hard to follow and DO.

    1. Ya. I suck at doing it in anything other then film. But this can deffinetly apply to life in general.
