Sunday, November 18, 2012

Cinematography Tip #2 The 180 Degree Rule

The 180 degree rule is this:

When filming you do not want to cross the line of action (unless you are intentionally breaking this rule for a reason and can pull it off). The line of action is what the two figures are standing on. That half cirle is your space to work with, and it can be on either side, but once you film there, you cannot cross over the line unless you pan over or atleast show that you are crossing the line. If you do just jump over the line it will create disorientation with your viewers and will throw them off and cause them to be "thrown out" of the story.

There are some films and shows that have been able to break this rule and make it look good or use the disorianting to their advantage. If you're a beginner, I always like to encourage people to first learn the rule to be able to break it properly. So mess around with this a bit. I found this youtube video that might help expain this (it's a very hard concept to imagine without actually seeing what I'm talking about, so here you go:

-Sirwhovian, Out!

1 comment:

  1. “If you're a beginner, I always like to encourage people to first learn the rule to be able to break it properly.”—Well said! Anyone who has just started to pursue their passion—and this doesn't only apply to film-making—must learn the basics because these compose the foundation. Just like what premier NBA player Michael Jordan used to say—learn the basics! Thanks for this information.
