Sunday, November 11, 2012

Husbands, the series/LGBTQ rights

Today I went to a panel on Husbands which is a web series now showing. They combined it with the issues of LGBTQ and the problem of homeless LGBTQ youth. We got to watch an episode of Husbands and was pretty funny. Here's where you can check it out for yourself:

Anyhoo, this is written and co-created by Jane Espenson and Brad Bell. You may know Jane from her work on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Battlestar Galactica, Once Upon A Time, Torchwood, and tons of others. Check her out! She's done a ton:

So this first post of mine won't be completely film related, some won't be time to time, but they'll have good messages, don't worry.

This LGBTQ issue is indeed a big problem. Youth are being kick out of their own homes for coming out of the closet! Now there are some programs that are helping them, but the bigger issue is we need to stop this from happening. No one should have to sleep out in the cold just because of who they love or who they're attracted to. I say, love is love. But it seems in America, all that they say love is, is between a ladies parts and a mans parts. THAT'S what many people are saying is love. It's not about what's in your pants people! It's what's in your heart. Because love comes from the heart, does it not? When we truly care for someone, does not that place in your chest ache? Hmmm. Interesting. Sooo that means that if love comes from the heart... Then does it matter what gender you are? The "love" that comes from your crotch is called lust. Sooo that must mean that they say love cannot be between a man and a woman, that they only lust? That humans can ONLY love from their pants? That love can ONLY be between a d**ck and a Vag***a?! Hmm seems weird to me. I for one grew up in a family that didn't care if you were gay. We even went to rallies to support gay rights. I still do to this day. At the panel I was able to give a comment. As a senior in high school and having only attended alternate high schools, all I've really seen is people being okay with and supporting gay rights. I have hardly met anyone my age who is against gays. So I told them this and that there is hope for the future. My generation is the generation of acceptance. We all know about LGBTQ's and we live with it. The great thing that happened this election is all those in support of gay rights. I think it was something like three or four states put gay marriage on their ballots and loads of people said yes! The world is changing and it will get better.

-Sirwhovian, Out!


  1. Aaaahhh! That sounds so awesome autumn. I wish I could have come. :( love is what's in your heart, not your pants. <---- wise words, my child. XD
    juice (my blog)

    1. Thank you for your comment! I also thought that was a clever line :)

  2. I actually interviewed Jane Espenson for Miracle Day and she was passing out postcards for Husbands the entire time...

    1. Really? Man you get to meet everyone cool, exept I got to meet her too :P she's friends with my best friends mom. Isn't she just so sweet? I love her writing.
