Wednesday, February 6, 2013

From Book To Screen

My friend was just asking me why do people sometimes hate and other times love movies that are based on books. This was fun to answer. Here's what I think:

First of all, in each art medium a story is told in a different why, so when you take that exact story and change the medium, it's not going to be the same, it will be told and interpreted differently.

1. When they hate it
          A. People, when they read, create this world in their head with the information given to them by the book. When the book is made into a film, suddenly their world is on the screen. It's not personal and it's not what they imagined in their heads. This ruins it. They hate the movie, then they like the book less.
          B. The movie sucks

2. When they like it
     When people like a movie version of a book it is probably either:
          A. They never read the book and the movie was good
          B. The movie is just how they imagined it like in the books (very rare)
          C. The movie was good and didn't really relate a lot to the book and was almost totally different from the book so it didn't really effect the book
          D. The book is more or less a part of the books and the fandom created around them

Now how do you make a good adaptation? Well one way is when you're making the film, bring the author on board. They created that world that was implanted into so many minds, so they know the littlest details that could make a big difference to the fans.

Like always if you have something you want to add, do so in the comments box below. Also I still need to know if anyone would like an advanced blog. Let me know!

Sirwhovian, Out!


  1. Hey, I'm the friend you're taking about! :D Anyway, what do you think is better, a movie based on a book (done right) or an original idea? And are there even original ideas anymore? Almost everything is based on a book or something. Even 2001: A Space Odyssey is based on a short story.

    1. I love original ideas best, it's true that it doesn't seem there are a lot of original ideas left, but the human mind can do extraodinary things :) I think that we get sucked into just thinking one way, or with only a few ideas in our heads. We get fed the same old stories from Hollywood over and over because it makes them money, but it also traps us into thinking that's the only way to do things. There are still an infinite number of ideas out there, you just need to get creative! And that's when the fun begins.

    2. The original, creative movies do always seem to be the best.

  2. I frequently love movies from books I've read, even if they are not exactly like what I pictured while I was reading.

    I just love to see what filmmakers do with an already beautiful art form to make it even more rich.

    1. That's a really good way to look at it, and that is really good to know! Thank you for sharing your opinion :) I like hearing from other people!
