Monday, January 28, 2013

Studying Film

Reading books or listening to a lecture is a great way to learn, but for me one of the best ways to study film is to watch it. This doesn't mean veg out in front of the TV. No, this means you pay attention to what works and what doesn't work. My mom would never believe me when I told her I was studying when I watched TV, but it really is a practical method. Writers read, or artists will study others art, and musicians listen to music. That's what helps us know what we like and don't like and also ways to do things that we never thought of before. When you watch a movie maybe do a break down like I do or watch a movie with a film buddy and discuss it. You want to analyze it. You can always tell when you like a movie or you don't, but the hard part is figuring out exactly why. Something more then just what actor is playing the character. Maybe the story doesn't make sense or the editing feels off. Maybe the acting was bad but everything else was good, and you know what to look out for. Find those little things that jive with you and remember them for when you make a film. But more importantly, remember those things that you didn't like, that took you out of the story and didn't feel right, and do what you can to avoid those things in your own production.

So go watch some movies!

Sirwhovian, Out!


  1. We should analyze movies sometime, and become master filmmakers! But the best way to learn something is to go out and do it yourself. :)

    1. I agree! Trial and error :) best way to learn. Practice makes perfect!
