Monday, November 12, 2012

All The Girls-Breakdown

This is my newest addition to my Youtube channel. This is my edited version of a film my friend made at his college called All The Girls. Watch it and I'll discuss what's wrong with it (yes including what I did wrong) after. Watch it by clicking on the video or following the link below.

Find it at:

Okay. I hope you enjoyed that! I had fun editing it even though it was really hard. Why was it hard? you might ask? Well first of all, they only took one shot of everything. Not one safety. And you read my last post right? ALWAYS GET SAFETIES!!! But no. They didn't so I had very limited footage to work with (that's why you need safeties).

Another thing, the cinematography. Did you see that?? Hardly anything was on the thirds* and it looked all cluttered and messy. The camera was also tilted most of the time. The point of gaze** was more or less bad.

Lighting. It all looks flat. And if you saw the raw footage you would have groaned. It was freakishly orange. I tried to make it more normal looking, and the thing I was going for was, everything was all dark and dreary until he sees her and it's all nice and bright. The end product still looked flat as hell. Not much you can do about that in post.

Acting. Now the acting was done by some acting students at my friends school. The main guy is not an actor though. I don't really know how he got into this film. Anyhoo, I like the girls, they were great and so sweet. We all became besties by the end of filming. The guy (yes I know he's not an actor, but let's discuss him anyway) his main problem was looking at the camera, I think I did a fairly good job of cutting those out. His face also looked like he was acting, not really into it.

Yay! Editing! This was my part! Okay so what I did wrong. I always like to have the music first then build off of it. My friend said he wanted to use this song, so that's what I did. I noticed part way though, that the music wasn't what I needed. I felt there would have been a better song and beat to go with what I was doing. So I should have gone with a song I felt jived with it more. So I forced it a lot. I wasn't exactly happy with it and it wasn't "perfect" to me. I would have spent longer on it if my friends dad wouldn't have kept kicking me off the computer. And yes, the color correction could have been better too.

Behind the scenes. Now you can't see what went on back there, so you'll just have to trust me. It was unprofessional. Like beginners they didn't plan it all out. All lot of the time they threw in all this stuff that, was crazy, or messed up continuity, or was just willy-nilly that they should have thought about before. They also never marked where the camera was, and they NEVER DID SAFETIES!

Now I would love to hear from you! Criticize away my friends! Tell me what you liked, what didn't you like, and why or anything else about this clip.

*If you don't know what thirds are, it's where you split the screen into three different sections up and down and place things or people on the lines between the thirds making it more pleasing to look at. I will create another post about this later.

**The point of gaze rule is the screen area in front of someones gaze. You usually want their gaze to fill up the space, so if they are looking to (our) left then we would put them on the right side of the screen.

-Sirwhovian, Out!


  1. You made this jumbled mess a very passable short.

    1. Thank you! I gave it 90% of my best shot. Which like I say is bad. You want it as perfect as you can get it and give it a 100%. So learn from what I say, not what I do :)
